Ottawa/Kanata Nano Hairstroke Brow, Microblading, Powder Eyebrow, Brow Lamination Artist located inside Fika Beauty hair and nail salon.

Frequently asked questions




What are permanent makeup eyebrows?

Permanent makeup brows, also referred to as Permanent Makeup (PMU) Brows or Cosmetic Brow Tattoos, is a micropigmentation procedure that helps to correct or fully reconstruct brows for individuals who have light eyebrow hairs, little to no eyebrows, thinning brows from aging, or over-tweezed brows. It’s also great for those looking for help from a professional on their eyebrow shape and/or symmetry.

Beauty by Leanne currently offers all 5 eyebrow techniques in the industry:

1)     Nano Hairstroke Brows
2)     Microblading Hairstroke Brows
3)     Powder Brows
4)     Nano Combination Brows
5)     Microbalding Combination Brows


How long do they last?

Permanent Brows at Beauty by Leanne tend to last 2-4 years, due to using organic pigments. For drier or mature skin, results could last up to 3-5 years.

The rate of fading depends on pigments used, skin type (normal, oily, dry), age (youthful/mature) and lifestyle (active, out in the sun, skincare regimen, etc). Skincare products with chemical peels and exfoliants such as AHAs and BHA or ingredients like retinols, Retin-A, vitamin C will increase the speed of fading.

To refresh the colour, a touch up is suggested every 12 to 24 months. Clients can allow the brows fade over time if there is no desire to touch them up, but a slight shadow may remain.

Final results cannot be guaranteed as each client’s skin is unique; they each hold and break down pigment differently. Complimentary touch up sessions are booked 6-9 weeks after the initial session to fill in any areas that have faded after the healing process.


What is a PhiBrows Artist?

PhiBrows is a microblading technique taught and coined by world renown Phi Academy. Therefore, a PhiBrows Artist is a graduate of this technique and uses phi tools and pigments which are top of the line in performance and safety – think of the Ferrari of Microblading tools. The Phi Academy is always researching and investing in their products and education, including multiple reformulation and improvement of their microblading pigments so that the pigment is stable and fades nicely over time on human skin.


Why choose a PhiBrows Artist?

Leanne is a PhiBrows certified microblading artist. Phi Academy is the world-renowned leader in beauty education. Certified PhiBrows Artists are able to consistently produces high quality results with an emphasis on very precise thin microblading strokes, proper microblading depth, perfect symmetry, and a beautiful shape that compliments your features. All PhiBrows Artist have been through a very specific 12-level training program using the highest standards, which are taught by master-level microblading artists. 


What are Nano Brows?

Nano Hairstroke Brows is the newest and most advanced technique. It is exceptional as it allows for full artist creative freedom, increased artist control for pigment deposit and saturation, and for creating the most natural tattoo result. If done correctly, it also ages and fades beautifully.  Unlike Microblading, Nano Brows is gentle on the skin and causes little to no bleeding, which allows for better healed results and reduced client sensitivity.

Nano Brows is done entirely with a tattoo machine, which requires precision, mastery and great attention to detail. Machine related techniques will be suitable for most skin types including mature, combination, sensitive, and oily skin. In contrast, Microblading is only suitable for dry, normal, or nearly perfect skin.

 For dark melanin-rich skin or very oily skin types, we recommend the powder brow technique, to ensure healed results are visible, defined, and long lasting.


What is Microblading?

Microblading is a PMU brow technique that involves using a tool composed of very fine needles to manually deposit microblading pigment into the upper dermis layer of the skin where results will last 1-2 years on average. The goal is to create natural looking hair strokes to mimic human eyebrow hair. Pigment selection is chosen to match the natural brow color; desired colour and skin tone will also be taken into consideration.

Microblading is a great option for those seeking the most natural look however it is only ideal on dry or normal skin with no or small visible pores.

For clients with oily or combination skin, opting for the powder brow technique is a better option for longer lasting results. Oily skin constantly produces oil which will cause the hair strokes to slowly diffuse and blend into each other, resulting in soft powdered strokes instead of crisp hair-thin strokes. Additionally, microblading on oily skin will fade faster and require more frequent touch ups. As experts, we always try to recommend a technique based on your skin and lifestyle that will heal well and last at least 1 year before requiring a touch up, to maintain overall skin integrity.



What are Powder Brows?

Powder Brows is a shading technique that uses a needle from a tattoo machine to deposit pigment into the skin, minimizing trauma to the skin. It is suitable for all skin types, especially for clients who have combination, oily, and/or mature skin. The overall look is a powdery shaded finish without any hairstrokes and a more defined shape than the hairstroke techniques.

Powder Brows is customizable; it can be varied from soft and airy to a more defined compact makeup look. The type of look achieved will depend on the client’s skin type, brow hair colour, natural hair flow, preferences, and whether they have any patchy/sparse areas based on the artists’ recommendation and expertise.

Ombre brows is a style of powder brow where the front is light and then gradually becomes darker towards the tail. This allows the front to stay soft and natural which gives that perfect ombre makeup effect. This is optional however always recommended to keep the brows looking natural.

There is a common misperception that the powder technique creates unnatural and dark results due to a majority of social media pages and porfolios showcasing freshly tattooed brows. When it’s immediately done, the brows do appear dark however the healed results are usually 25-40% lighter than the initial application. Therefore, if they are tattooed too light, it will not heal with enough colour and definition.


What are Combination Brows?

Combination brows, sometimes referred to as Hybrid Brows, is a look that combines two techniques, either nano with powder or microblading with powder, achieving the best of both worlds. This is recommended for clients who like some hairstrokes but also like the defined shape and colour depth achieved with shading using the powder brow technique.

 Clients can choose to do only hair strokes at the front and the rest with powder or they request for hairstrokes throughout the entire eyebrow and then add light shading in certain sections or parts of the brows for increased definition. The key is to keep the shading light so that the hairstrokes will still be visible once it is healed and as it ages over time.


Do I need to add shading to Nano or Microblading?

Combination Brows is the combination or blend of hair strokes (nano brows or microblading) with powder brows, also known as shading. Shading is applied by using a tattoo machine to deposit pigment into the skin. Combining shading with hair strokes is great for clients looking for more density, darkness, and definition as hair strokes alone can appear too natural for some clients, once healed.

Shading is highly recommended for those who have oily skin or an oily t-zone but desire the hair-stroke look, to ensure pigment retention. It is also recommended for those who have patches of missing eyebrow hair, such as a missing tail or a missing/short front, to ensure that the permanent makeup blends well with the natural brow hairs.

 Combination Brows can be done in various ways. For example, 30% hair strokes; 70% shading, 50% hair strokes: 50% shading, or 100% hair strokes and shading throughout the entire brow. A variety of styles are available to cater to the client’s tastes and preferences.


Are permanent brows safe to get done?

There are 3 safety factors to consider:

1) Choose a trained and experienced professional. We advise clients to check artist qualifications and do not choose solely on price. Often times, the higher price you see is a reflection of their skill level, experience, various trainings the artist has under their belt, and the health & safety practices they have in place, which ultimately means you will receive a safe treatment.

2) Seek a business that values client and artist safety. We place great importance and priority on this regard. Beauty by Leanne seeks beauty courses that teach and value client safety and currently holds two Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) certifications. In light of the COVID-19 situation, Leanne recently obtained three additional infection control certificates from Milady Pro and Barbicide to ensure the most up-to-date knowledge and practices are implemented in our studio.

Our safe practices includes using mainly disposable single-use tools, cosmetic grade pigments, Health Canada approved disinfectants for cleaning and infection control, avoiding cross-contamination with proper wrapping and use of barriers, and implementing new COVID-19 Safety Protocols for all clients who enter the studio.

3) Client expectations and aftercare. Safety of any procedure also lies in the client’s hands. This means having realistic expectations with your semi-permanent brows and recognizing that it is normal to resort to some makeup in order to darken them. Touch ups are recommended only every 12-18 months to avoid scarring of the skin and ensure skin integrity is kept. If only a minor touch up is needed, it is best to use some brow makeup for the time being (until you feel you absolutely need a touch up). This is also why aftercare is so important; the longer you can prolong the life of your semi-permanent brows, the longer you can go without a touch up!


Who is NOT a candidate for semi-permanent brows?

If any of the conditions in the Contraindications List below applies to you, you are NOT a suitable candidate for this treatment.

Eyebrow Contraindications List:

  • Under 18 years of age

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Dark pre-existing eyebrow permanent makeup

  • Anyone who has had previous brow work done that has not been pre-approved by us

  • Eyebrow laser removal within the last 6 months

  • Botox within the last 4 weeks

  • Chemical peel within the last 2 weeks

  • Sunburned or irritated skin

  • Rashes or blisters in the treated area

  • Taken Accutane within the last 12 months

  • Serious skin conditions (hyper-pigmentation, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea dermatitis, etc)

  • Taking skin medications such as antasure, ro-accutaine and steroids, which thin and make the skin very sensitive

  • Easily triggered Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

  • Prone to keloid scarring or hypertrophic scarring (powder brow technique is OK)

  • Currently/recently under or scheduled for chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

  • Underwent radiotherapy or chemotherapy less than 45 days ago

  • Transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis

  • Heart condition or taking heart medications

  • Taking blood thinning medications (unless it can be paused 7 days prior)

  • Taking steroids or skin medicationsActive skin cancer in the treated area

  • Insulin-dependent diabetic

  • Bleeding disorders

  • Healing disorders

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Epilepsy (in the past or presently)

  • Allergies to alcohol

  • Allergies to numbing agents such as lidocaine, tetracaine, epinephrine

  • Allergies to pigmentation, dyes, and makeup

The following health conditions will require a doctor’s note:

•      Have other serious health conditions/illnesses not mentioned in the contradictions list
•      Non-insulin dependent diabetes
•      Taking serious health medications daily
•      Radiotherapy or chemotherapy less than 6 months ago


What if I previously had my eyebrows done elsewhere?

No matter how long ago it was done, we need to see it as not all previously done brows can be corrected. If you arrive for your appointment without having your previous eyebrow work pre-approved, this will result in forfeiture of your deposit and our less than 24 hours notice policy charges will apply.

Please submit a few clear photos of your current brows to for assessment. For efficient communication, please mention the following key information in your email:
- month and year you had it done
- type of procedure
- how many times you’ve had it done.

It’s important to note that corrective work is more difficult and may take a couple of sessions to achieve desired results.

All previous work will be charged at full prices and are subject to a $50-$100 correction fee depending on the severity of the case. Please have realistic expectations as we can only work with what we are given; the shape and darkness of your previous tattoo, the amount of hair you have, your brow muscles, your brow bone, and your skin condition.


Do I need a consultation prior to booking?

In majority of cases, no. But if the following applies to you, please email for a quick consult:

- Have pre-existing permanent brow makeup (send clear photos, date and year of your last appointment, type of service done, how many sessions of PMU you’ve had)
- Have had eyebrows removed by saline or laser removal
- Have serious health issues
- Taking serious health medications daily
- Have any serious skin issues on the face e.g. psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc
- Have scar tissue on the area to be treated
- Have sensitivities to makeup products, hair dyes, gold, silver, nickel (a Patch Test is recommended 1-2 weeks prior - request one by emailing us!)

In-person consultations are also available through our Online Booking.

Please note, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who we deem not suitable for this procedure or for any other reason.


What are the Pre-Care Instructions for permanent brows?

Following these instructions carefully will reduce skin sensitivities and limit bleeding during the appointment. Excessive bleeding during the procedure can dilute and reject the pigment, leading to poor healed results.  

4 Weeks Before Appointment
- Avoid Botox and fillers around forehead and brow area (advised to get semi-permanent makeup first)
- Avoid sunburns
- Avoid lash/brow growth serum on brow area
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day up until your appointment date

2 Weeks Before Appointment
- Avoid laser treatments, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, electrolysis on the face.
- Avoid facial ingredients: retinols, retinoids, glycolic, any exfoliating acids, anti-aging creams

7 Days Before Your Appointment
- Discontinue multivitamins, vitamins C & E, turmeric, ginger, gingko biloba, flaxseed & chia seed oil, fish oils (you may continue with iron supplements)*please consult your doctor before stopping if you use as daily medication
- Discontinue antibiotics *please contact us immediately if currently on antibiotics, 14 day window required between last dose and your appointment
- Avoid tanning beds, brow tinting, brow waxing

48 Hours Prior To Your Appointment
- Discontinue any anti-inflammatories: Advil, ibuprofen, naproxen, Aspirin (Tylenol is OK), warfarin
- Avoid caffeine (coffee, DECAF, caffeinated teas, Coke, Diet Coke, chocolate, energy drinks, bubble tea, etc
- Avoid alcohol consumption
- Avoid recreational drugs
- Smoking

Day Of Your Appointment:
- Lightly exfoliate to be treated area
- Avoid exercise
- avoid caffeine at all cost (coffee, DECAF, caffeinated teas, Coke, Diet Coke, chocolate, energy drinks, bubble tea, preworkout , etc)
- Fill in your eyebrows as you normally if you’re looking for a very similar tattoo result
- Feel free to bring a couple eyebrow reference photos to showcase your preferences


What is the Aftercare for permanent brows like?

Note: These have been generalized; detailed aftercare will be provided after appointment through either email or paper copy.

Avoid for 10-14 days or until brows are done peeling (healed):
- Water contact
- Sweating
- Facials and peels
- Makeup and skincare products on the eyebrows
- Touching/picking at the brows
- Apply SPF 30+ on the brows daily once it is healed

Avoid for 1 month:
- Tanning / being in the direct sun without a hat
-  Intense facial treatments (chemical peels, acid peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, etc)
-  Light therapy


What is the permanent eyebrow tattoo process like?

The first session can take up to 3.5 hours, depending on the technique. The process starts with consent form completion, followed by shaping and grooming of the eyebrows; only the brow hairs outside the agreed shape will be removed. Once the client approves the shape, the artist will select a pigment colour using color theory that will be close to the client’s natural brow colour, skin tone, and undertones. If the client is satisfied with the choices, the artist will begin the procedure.

The second session is a complimentary follow-up visit to perfect them and must be booked within 10 weeks, but no sooner than 5 weeks to allow the skin to fully heal and enough time for the pigment to settle. This touch-up appointment will take about 1.5 to 2 hours.


How long do the brows take to heal?

There is no downtime after however it takes approximately 10-14 days for the brows to heal over and a 30 days to fully heal.

After the treatment, the eyebrow area will appear slightly red and the brows will appear dark - this is normal. As the healing process begins, the pigment will make its way beneath the skin while new skin heals over, softening up by up to 30%, and its true colour peaks at 4-5 weeks.


Is there pain involved?

Clients who feel scared, consume caffeine prior to the appointment, and have premenstrual symptoms (PMS) or menstruate at the time of their appointment will feel more sensitivity during the treatment.

Since it is a tattoo, some discomfort is to be expected at the beginning of the process An topical anesthetic will be applied after one round of tattooing to keep the client comfortable for the rest of the procedure. If you are a frequent smoker, it may affect the effectiveness of the numbing agent. Topical anesthetics used may contain lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.

Expect slight redness, slight swelling, and discomfort in the area after the procedure. You may take Tylenol prior to the appointment but NOT Aspirin or Ibuprofen (Advil) as they are blood thinners


Are there any booking considerations I should be aware of?

1.*Review Pre-Care Instructions for PMU brows and make sure you do not have conditions on the Contraindications List.

 Avoid intense sun exposure/sunburns for 30 days before and after the treatment. Your skin needs to be in healthy condition to heal properly. If you show up to your appointment with a new tan or sunburn, you will be refused service and your deposit will be forfeited.

3. Do not book an appointment before a vacation or anytime you will be getting wet. You cannot get your brows wet for 1 week after and cannot swim for 2 weeks after. 

4. Allow yourself enough time for the appointment so that the artist is not rushing and potentially compromising service quality.

5. Do not come in while sick with a cold, flu, strep, etc. Your immune system is now comprised and you will not get the best results and there is a risk of infection. You will be refused service and your deposit will be forfeited.

6. Book your eyelash appointments before your brow appointment. If after, ensure you ask the technician to place a clean tissue paper on your brows to avoid hand-to-brow contact while they are healing the first 2 weeks.


What will cause my Semi-permanent Brows to fade faster?

- Skin type. Oily skin types will fade faster, especially for Microblading, due to the constant oil production which causes the oil to ‘push out’ the pigment from the skin faster. The Powder Brow technique would be the best option since pigment is implanted a little deeper into the skin.
- Sun exposure. The sun can damage the skin and cause the pigment to fade faster. Apply SPF 30+ daily on the brows to slow fading!
- Skincare ingredients. Vitamin c, retinols, Retin-A, AHA, and BHA based products exfoliate the skin and will cause faster fading if applied on the eyebrow area.
- Exfoliants. It’s best to avoid chemical peels, microdermabrasion, intense scrubs, etc on the eyebrow area.
- Lifestyle habits. Smoking will cause the pigment to fade faster.
- Skin cell turnover. The longer the regeneration of skin cells, the longer the pigment holds. Hence mature skin will hold pigment longer than youthful skin with faster metabolisms.
- Pigment colour. Selection of lighter pigments will fade quicker than darker pigments.
- Bleeding during the procedure. Bleeding will cause the pigment to be pushed out, leading to unideal healed results.




What is a Brow Lamination?

A cosmetic treatment for the eyebrow hairs designed to give the appearance of fuller, more defined and fluffy brows using perming solutions. Results last up to 6-8 weeks and can be redone every 8 weeks or more.

After treatment, you may wear your brows as you wish, ranging from fluffy to a more crisp and defined look based on your personal preference day-to-day. The hairs are easy to maneuver after lamination, making daily styling effortless.

Beauty by Leanne Brow Lamination services includes hair removal with a gentle high quality hard wax as well as 3 treatment products (Deluxe balm, Brow Essence and Regenerating Cream) during service to ensure your brow hairs remain healthy, soft and nourished.


What is a Brow Dye (Hybrid Tint)?

Brow dye or Hybrid Tint is a game changer for brow colouring as it offers the same long lasting colour of henna on the skin. When used in conjunction with brow lamination, brow dye surpasses brow tint as it can penetrate deeper into the hair’s cortex, resulting in a longer-lasting hair colour change. The colour can last 7 weeks on hair and 7-10 days on hair.

In comparison, regular eyebrow tint stains the hair more on the surface level and is not designed to leave a skin stain.


Who may benefit from a Brow Lamination?

1) Clients with wavy or unruly that want them straightened out and more manageable

2) Clients with downward turning brow hairs

3) Clients who love the look of brushed up/fluffy eyebrows and want to be able to easily achieve this look daily!

4) Clients who love a neat, defined, and illusion of a fuller eyebrow


Who is NOT a suitable candidate for Brow Lamination?

Unfortunately, you are NOT a suitable candidate for Brow Lamination if any of the following from the Brow Lamination Contraindications List applies to you:

-       have very thin/weak eyebrow hairs
-       have extremely thick/coarse eyebrow hairs
-       have a lot of large visible brow gaps
-       have previous allergies or sensitivities to perming solutions/waxing
-       hypersensitive skin (patch test recommended)
-       have had permanent makeup brows (nano, powder, microblading) within last 6 weeks
-       have had chemical peels, laser skin treatments, or microdermabrasion within last 4 weeks
-       have had a brow lamination or bleached brows within last 8 weeks
-       have skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or dermatitis on eyebrow area
-       have open wounds, cuts or swelling on the eyebrow area
-       have acne or an active breakout on eyebrow area
-       have conjunctivitis
-       are pregnant or breastfeeding
-       have an active herpes simplex
-       have applied topical skin medications within last 4 weeks
-       been on Accutane treatment within the last 1 year
-       had Botox within the last 4 weeks
-       have skin infections such as Staph or MRSA
-       have any bleeding disorders due to risk of bleeding and bruising
-       had sunburned or sun damaged skin within last 4 weeks


What are the pre-care instructions for Brow Lamination?

-       Thoroughly exfoliate your brows 24-48 hours before service
-       Arrive with makeup-free eyebrows
-       Avoid sunburns and excessive sun exposure to the face within 4 weeks of the appointment
-       Avoid trimming your brows within 6 weeks of the appointment
-       Avoid using AHA or glycolic products within 72 hours of the appointment


What is the general aftercare for Brow Lamination?

Like any service, following aftercare is critical to ensure long-lasting results and to maintain the health and integrity of your eyebrow hairs.

-    For 24 hours: Avoid water, hot steam, saunas, pools, gyms, and makeup on brows
-    For 3 days: Avoid spray tanning as the tan can react with the dye leaving an unwanted tinge around and within eyebrow
-    Daily: Apply Brow Oil or Regenerative Cream aftercare once a day to keep brows nourished and prevent to dryness and
- Brush hairs in desired position daily
-    When washing and conditioning hair, use hair conditioner on brows as well!
-    Hybrid dye treatment can be performed again after 4 weeks
-    Wait 8 weeks or longer between brow lamination services
-    After week 4, use an eyebrow gel in the morning to help manage the varying growth phases of the brow hairs during the 8 week grow out period


What is the service maintenance schedule like for Brow Lamination with Tint like?

The rebooking rule for brow lamination is to schedule them at least 8 weeks apart. Here is a suggested method to rebook lamination appointments:

- 1st appointment -  Lamination + Tint/Brow Dye

- 4 weeks later – Brow Wax and Tint/Brow Dyedye

- 4 weeks later – Lamination + Tint/Brow Dye

- 4 weeks later – Brow Wax & Tint/Brow Dye Dye

- And so on


What if I have sensitive skin around the face and eyebrows?

A Patch Test is highly recommended and is to be booked 1-2 weeks prior to your Brow Lamination appointment. Please note that although you have taken this precautionary step and obtain a negative patch test result, allergies can occur at any time with repeated exposure.

Request a PatchTest using our online booking!




What is a Lash Lift?

A Lash Lift is the process of restructuring the natural lashes to create a beautiful semi-permanent curl and lift, mimicking lashes that have been curled by an eyelash curler but better! Results last between 4-8 weeks, depending on aftercare and the client’s natural lash growth rate.

Results are customizable, but also highly dependent on the length and fullness of the client’s natural lashes. For example, the longer the lashes, the more intense the curl would be; the shorter the lashes, the less intense the curl would be.

At Beauty by Leanne, we use The Lash Shop’s Instant Lash Lift System, a revolutionary lift system that provides a consistent lift and repairs the lash from inside out. It is manufactured with the highest quality ingredients, ensuring a consistent curl every time. Beauty by Leanne’s lash lifts also include a 24K Karat Glaze (antioxidants, nourishing agents, and vitamins, leaving lashes instantly healthier and softer) and a Keratin Sealant (keratin-infused conditioning serum that prevents lash damage and drying effects).


What is a Lash Tint?

A Lash Tint service is simply adding a tint of colour to your natural lashes, which helps to darken and define them. Results lasts up to 6 weeks. We only offer black coloured tints, which is the most classic and widely used option.

If you light natural lashes like blonde, light brown, or grey natural lashes, this service is a great add-on to your Lash Lift service. The results are a notice enhancement in the look of your eyes and lashes.


What are the benefits of a Lash lift?

- It helps to open up the eyes to make them appear more refreshed, awake and larger!

- It exposes all of your natural lash length for that wow factor, especially if they’re naturally long but downturn

- It reduces the need of using an eyelash curler, which can cause a lot of natural lash damage with poor application

- It is a great alternative to eyelash extensions, especially if you are taking a break, allergic to them, do not like the regular maintenance, or a simpler aftercare

- It is a more natural eyelash enhancement as your natural lashes remain the same except lifted and curled which means you can apply mascara to them!

- It is a quicker service which is great for those who cannot lay down for long periods


Am I a suitable candidate for a Lash Lift?

A contraindication is a factor that prevents a client from being suitable for a treatment.

Lash Lift Contraindications List:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Are sensitive to glues or dyes

  • Have a sensitivity previously to Brow Lamination

  • Have sensitive or watery eyes

  • Have cold/flu on the day of your appointment

  • Have claustrophobia and cannot lay down comfortable with eyes closed

  • Have skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema around the eye area

  • Have open wounds around the upper face

  • Had a recent eye surgery or laser surgery within last 6 months – please consult doctor

  • Had Chemotherapy or within the last 6 months - please consult doctor

  • Have Trichotillomania (compulsive pulling or twisting hair, eyebrows and eyelashes

  • Had semi-permanent eyeliner/eyebrows procedure done the last 6 weeks

  • Have a stye or eye infections (Conjunctivitis/pink eye)

  • Have Blepharitis or Ocular rosacea (inflammation of the eyelids and eyes)

  • Have Demodex Folliculitis (lash mites)

  • Have damaged and weak natural lashes

  • Have very short natural lashes (should be at least 9mm long)


Can I get a Lash Lift if I have very short natural lashes?

Yes, many clients have enjoyed the results of a lash lift even with shorter lashes. Overall outcomes of the lift will depend on your natural lashes. We recommend combining the art of lash lifting with consistent use of a high quality eyelash serum to get the most incredible lift results!


How often can I get a Lash Lift?

Over time, the lift of the natural lashes will drop as the natural lashes grows out daily.

You can get your lashed re-lifted every 6-12 weeks; it depends on the individual and their natural lash growth cycles. For example, clients with fast natural lash cycles can come in every 6 weeks.

It’s best to wait until most of your lashes have grown out to get a relift.


What are the Pre-Care instructions for a Lash Lift?

How to prepare for your Lash Lift service:

  • Arrive COMPLETELY FREE of all eye makeup  - especially NO mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow.

  • Do not use waterproof mascara or curl your lashes 5 days before treatment.

  • Avoid caffeine – it can cause fluttery eyes, which can cause the lotions to seep into the eye during the appointment.


What is the aftercare for a Lash Lift?

Long lasting results are 50% procedure and 50% aftercare. Your Lash Lift aftercare is as follows:

  • Avoid for 24 hours - water, cleansers, steam, heat, makeup, intense sweating

  • After 24 hours - you may use makeup, skincare products, lash serums on the eye area

  • Condition lashes daily with an appropriate eyelash conditioner or castor oil

  • Avoid sleeping on lashes or your face (constant pressure will result in unruly lashes)

  • Avoid rubbing or picking at the eyes 

  • Advised to use non-waterproof mascara as the removal of waterproof mascaras can be harsh on the lashes and weaken the lift


What if I have sensitive eyes?

A Patch Test is highly recommended and is to be booked 1-2 weeks prior to your eyelash appointment. Please note that although you have taken this precautionary step and obtained a negative patch test result, allergies can occur at any time with repeated exposure.

Request a PatchTest using our online booking!