Ottawa/Kanata Nano Hairstroke Brow, Microblading, Powder Eyebrow, Brow Lamination Artist located inside Fika Beauty hair and nail salon.

care instructions




Following these instructions carefully will reduce skin sensitivities and limit bleeding during the appointment. Excessive bleeding during the procedure can dilute and reject the pigment, leading to poor healed results.  If you do not follow this information provided, then additional touch-up sessions may be required for an additional cost.

4 Weeks Before Appointment
- Avoid Botox and fillers around forehead and brow area (advised brow permanent makeup first)
- Avoid sunburns
- Avoid lash/brow growth serums on eyebrows
- Drink at least 6-8 cups of water a day up until your appointment date

2 Weeks Before Appointment
- Avoid laser treatments, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, electrolysis on the face.
- Avoid facial ingredients: retinols, retinoids, glycolic, any exfoliating acids, anti-aging creams

7 Days Before Your Appointment
- Discontinue multivitamins, vitamins C & E, turmeric, ginger, gingko biloba, flaxseed & chia seed oil, fish oils (you may continue with iron supplements) *please consult your doctor before stopping if you use as daily medication
- Discontinue antibiotics *please contact us immediately if currently on antibiotics, 14 day window required between last dose and your appointment
- Avoid tanning beds, brow tinting, brow waxing

48 Hours Prior To Your Appointment
- Discontinue any anti-inflammatories: Advil, ibuprofen, naproxen, Aspirin (Tylenol is OK), warfarin
- Avoid caffeine (coffee, DECAF, caffeinated teas, Coke, Diet Coke, chocolate, energy drinks, bubble tea etc)
- Avoid alcohol consumption
- Avoid recreational drugs
- Smoking

Day Of Your Appointment:
- Lightly exfoliate the brow area
- Avoid exercise before appointment
- Avoid caffeine at all cost (coffee, DECAF, caffeinated teas, Coke, Diet Coke, chocolate, energy drinks, bubble tea, etc)
- Fill in your eyebrows as you normally would if you’re looking for something similar for your tattoo
- Feel free to bring a couple eyebrow reference photos to showcase your preferences

brow lamination & wax PRE-CARE

-  Thoroughly exfoliate your brows 24-48 hours before service
-  Arrive with makeup-free eyebrows
- Avoid sunburns and excessive sun exposure to the face within 4 weeks of the appointment
- Avoid trimming your brows within 6 weeks of the appointment
- Avoid using AHA or glycolic products within 72 hours of the appointment


- Arrive COMPLETELY FREE of all eye makeup  - especially NO mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow
- Do not use waterproof mascara or curl your lashes 5 days before treatment
- Avoid caffeine – it can cause fluttery eyes, which can cause the lotions to seep into the eye during the appointment



Note: These have been generalized; detailed aftercare will be provided after appointment through either email or paper copy.

Avoid for 10-14 days or until brows are done peeling (healed):
- Water contact
- Sweating
- Facials and peels
- Makeup and skincare products on the eyebrows
- Touching/picking at the brows
- Apply SPF 30+ on the brows daily once it is healed

Avoid for 1 month:
- Tanning / being in the direct sun without a hat
-  Intense facial treatments (chemical peels, acid peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, etc)
-  Light therapy


- For 24 hours: Avoid water, hot steam, saunas, pools, gyms, and makeup on brows
- For 3 days: Avoid spray tanning as the tan can react with the dye leaving an unwanted tinge around and within eyebrow
- Apply Brow Oil or Regenerative Cream aftercare once a day to keep brows nourished and prevent to dryness
- Brush hairs in desired position daily
- When washing and conditioning your hair, use hair conditioner on brows as well!
- Hybrid dye treatment can be performed again after 4 weeks
- Wait 8 weeks or longer between brow lamination services
- After week 4, consider using an eyebrow gel in the morning to help manage the varying growth phases of the brow hairs during the 8 week grow out period


- Avoid for 24 hours - water, cleansers, steam, heat, makeup, intense sweating
- After 24 hours - you may use makeup, skincare products, lash serums on the eye area
- Condition lashes daily with an appropriate eyelash conditioner or castor oil
- Avoid sleeping on lashes or your face (constant pressure will result in unruly lashes)
- Avoid rubbing or picking at the eyes 
- Advised to use non-waterproof mascara as the removal of waterproof mascaras can be harsh on the lashes and weaken the lift
- Lashes can be relifted after most lashes have grown out or every 6-8 weeks